Remember that 92-question grant application that I listed in it’s entirety back in February? Well we heard back.
[first name] [last name]
[nonprofit name & address]
Dear [last name],
Thank you for your recent proposal to the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. We have reviewed your application and must regretfully decline your request.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation appreciates the vital role of nonprofit organizations like yours in providing opportunity in our communities. Unfortunately, the Foundation receives many outstanding requests and cannot fulfill all the proposals that it receives.
Again, we regret declining your request and wish you success with your efforts in your communities.
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The reference code for this application is Request ID: 87352749
After hours of thoughtful writing, you’d think they could respond with a form letter addressed to the executive director’s first name. Pretty lame.
This kind of grantmaking is why I started writing the Follies. It’s Doing Good gone awry.
Am feeling a bit discouraged. We help small staffed nonprofits (as in, they have 0-1 fundraisers) write grants, but I sure am glad that I also get to work with organizations on building their base of individual donors. It’s much more sustainable revenue.
So how are people like us so thoughtful in their individual giving, but when they give collectively – as a foundation – it turns into this? Fodder for another Folly…