Folly #13: A Real(ly long) Grant Application
Why can't funders create a FAFSA-like common application form?
When I teach fundraising students often ask, Is there a standard grant proposal format? Sadly, no.
If only funders would commit to a common application like colleges use with the FAFSA form that families must complete for financial aid.
Now that would profoundly decrease costs for a nonprofit to apply for funding. Consider the staff effort just to complete the application below, which I recently wrote and submitted for a client. A typical grant amount from this funder is $25,000.
This is a real application, with the foundation’s name removed.
What is great about this application?
It asks applicants to select the UN Sustainable Development Goal that best fits their mission. That is really cool! I love the connection to a global urgent call for action.
A list of questions asks if more than half those served belong to under-represented groups (e.g., veterans, reentry, LBGTQ, low income). I’ll believe that the intention of this question is to bring resources to communities that have faced historic barriers.
And about a dozen of the fields populate with information you’ve already completed in your donor profile for this particular grant application platform. That helps.
What is awful about this application?
It asks 92 questions. Nearly all are required (indicated with a *). Many demand onerous data that can be hard to define. (Shouldn’t that be a requirement for actual grantees, not applicants? Maybe even with technical assistance offered by the funder to help build metrics.) And there are another dozen questions around legalese for grant acceptance terms (which comes later, as in when they actually commit to making a grant).
If you know a funder who has a great application, I’d love to interview them. Please…
I always recommend that a nonprofit research the funder’s grantees and all the proposal questions before considering a grant. Here’s a free template and a DIY video to learn if a funder is a good fit and worth a process … like this.
Otherwise, read on for the real life, actual grant application questions. Welcome to a nonprofit’s world.

Section 1: Organization Information
*Organization Official Name
*Organization Legal Name
Also Known As (AKA)/Doing Business As (dba) Name
Year Founded
*Executive Director/CEO/President
*Executive Director/CEO/President Email Address
*Executive Director/CEO/President Phone
Mailing Address
Organization E-mail Address
Website Address
Facebook - e.g. ""
Twitter - e.g. ""
Instagram - e.g. ""
Individual at your organization that will be responsible for completing impact surveys:
*Email Address
*List of Current Board Members (2023)
Please enter each board member individually and then click the add button. Please only provide names as titles or affiliations are NOT needed.
*List of Current Organization Executive Staff (2023)
Please enter each executive staff member individually and then click the add button. Please only provide names as titles or affiliations are NOT needed.
*Is anyone on your Board of Directors employed at [our Company]? Yes/No
Please identify the race/ethnicity of your Executive Director/CEO - select from drop-down:
Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American Indian/Indigenous peoples/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian /Other Pacific Islander, White, Multiracial
Please provide the ethnicity of your organization's board of directors. NOTE: The total percentage must equal 100%.
% Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American Indian/Indigenous peoples/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian /Other Pacific Islander, White, Multiracial
Please provide the ethnicity of your organization's executive staff. NOTE: The total percentage must equal 100%.
% Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Native American Indian/Indigenous peoples/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian /Other Pacific Islander, White, Multiracial
*Government Official Determination (Federal/Regional/State/Local): Are any of your organization's founders or board members, principals or executive officers considered governmental officials including, but not limited to, members of Congress or Parliament, members of the European Commission, Congressional staff, Executive Branch officials or other high-ranking official? Yes/No
*Organization Type
Please identify the Type of organization you are (drop down options for general issue area). NOTE: Your Organization Type should capture who you are as an organization, NOT the focus of this grant proposal.
Organization Mission Statement
*Are you affiliated with or a member of any national organizations or networks listed below? Please select all that apply. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple items.
Not Applicable, American Indian College Fund, American Red Cross, Black Economic Alliance, Boys and Girls Club, Catalyst Kitchen, Council for Economic Education, Feeding America, Global Homeboy Network, Goodwill Industries, Habitat for Humanity, Hispanic Scholarship Fund, History Makers, Housing Partnership Network, Jobs for Americas Graduates, Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, Junior Achievement, MENTOR: National Mentoring Partnership, National Association of Latino Community Asset Builders, National College Advising Corps, National Community Reinvestment Coalition, National Congress of American Indians, National Council on Aging, National Disability Institute, National Foundation for Credit Counseling, National Housing PartnershipNational, Low Income Housing Coalition, Native CDFI Network, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (NeighborWorks), Opportunity Finance Network, Prosperity Now, The Global Food Banking Network, Thurgood Marshall College Fund, Unidos, United Negro College Fund (UNCF), United Service Organization (USO), Year Up, YMCA
*Number of Individuals Served Annually - Please include the number of unduplicated individuals served by your agency on an annual basis.
*Number of Households Served Annually - Please include the number of unduplicated households served by your agency on an annual basis. If not tracked, please enter 0.
*Is your organization a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) approved housing counseling agency? Yes/No
*Is your organization a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI)? Yes/No
[Our Foundation] is committed to the support and advancement of equality in the communities we serve and this extends to the organizations we fund. The questions below will help us ensure everyone is treated fairly. The information you provide is anonymous, for demographic purposes only and is not used in selection. [Our Foundation] considers organizations without regard to race, religious creed, religion, ex, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, protected veteran or disability status or any factor prohibited by law and as such affirms in policy and practice to support and promote the concept of equal opportunity.
Section 2: Organization Budget Detail
*Top Five Sources of Funding for your Organization
Please list your top five contributors and dollar amounts received last year for your organization overall, including governmental and other funders. Please also reflect any multi-year funding. (1000 characters)
*Are there any specific or special circumstances that have impacted your budget? (e.g. loss of government funding, in-kind expenses/donations, matching funds, etc.). Any financial notes not described in the audit documentation should be further explained here. Yes/No
Section 3: Organization Budget Attachments
PLEASE NOTE: These files must be provided in a PDF format.
*Organization Operating Budget
Project/Program Budget
*Financial Statements: Please upload financial statements for the previous two years. If available, please include audited documents.
*Is your Organization's Total Operating Budget ≥ $250,000.00? Yes/No
Please attach a copy of your organization’s most recent audit.
Section 4: Payment Distribution Details
[Our Foundation] grants are paid electronically via Automated Clearing House (ACH) which requires your electronic banking information. Note: Providing payment details for your organization does not guarantee your organization will receive funding from the [Our Foundation]. As part of the verification process a zero value deposit is made to the account in order to verify account information. This deposit is reflected in the account as ACH-[Our Foundation] with a zero dollar value. This step is necessary regardless of potential approval or rejection of a grant application. Your financial institution may deduct a nominal processing fee from funds deposited via ACH (typically less than $1).
*Financial Institution
Zip code
*Financial Institution Country or Jurisdiction (drop down list of countries)
*Bank Account Type: Checking/Savings
*Account Number
*ACH Bank Routing Number/Transit Number
*Organization ACH Contact Name
*Organization ACH Contact Email Address
*ACH Deposit Authorization Agreement: Yes/No
Financial Institution Details. Evidence of financial institution details are required (voided check; deposit slip; or bank letter) to ensure funds make it into the appropriate account. The banking information input in the Payment Details section or in your [Grant Portal] account must match the documentation provided below. If this document is not provided, your grant will not be considered for funding. [Upload PDF file]
Section 5: Grant Proposal
The information you provide in this section should pertain to your specific grant proposal. If you are requesting general operating support, this information should pertain to your overall organization.
*Request Amount
*Project Budget: If your request is for a specific program or project, please provide your overall project budget. If your request is for general operating support, please enter the total of your annual operating budget.
*Project Title: Please provide a short title to describe the overall scope of this grant proposal.
*Top Five Sources of Funding: Please list the top five contributors and dollar amounts received last year for the program/project for which you are requesting funding. NOTE: If you are requesting general operating support, your response to this question should reflect the same information you were asked to provide as part of the Organization Budget Detail section. (500 character maximum)
*Grant Usage: Please provide the percentage of the grant amount that will be used toward operating, program and/or capital support. Please note, capital support refers to funds supporting the acquisition or renovation of real estate, technology and other major furniture, fixtures or equipment. These fields must total 100%.
% Capital Support
% Operating Support
% Program Support
*Detailed Grant Description: Please use this space to fully describe how your organization will use this grant, including:
For Capital Support please describe: The capital expenditure - the equipment, property, furniture being purchased. How the capital purchase helps your organization support your mission or programs.
For Operating Support please describe: The mission, programs and services of your organization. How this grant will help your organization address this issue or need.
For Program Support please describe: The program or project for which you are seeking funding. How this grant will help your organization address this issue or need. The timeline for this project or program, including a start date and end date, if applicable.
For a combination of support (any mix of capital, operating and/or program support) please describe: All of the above, and include specific details that clarify what dollar amount, or percentage of funds requested, will be used for capital support, operating support and/or program support.
(2000 character maximum)
Additional Information: Please use this space to provide information about your organization overall or for any additional supporting details you would like to share. (5000 character maximum)
*Geographic Use of Funds: Select a category below to identify the specific geography(ies) that best describe where the service will physically take place.
DO NOT include geographies where services do not actually take place (e.g. for training taking place at a specific college site, do not list counties where students reside). ONLY include information specific to this grant’s purpose rather than your organization’s overall service area or target markets. Be as precise as possible when completing this section. DO NOT use terms such as “area”, “region”, “northern”, and any other descriptors that do not contain the full name of counties and states impacted, where applicable. Details provided should be consistent with information found on your organization’s website. If the geographic areas provided are outside of your normal service area, please explain.
In all 50 states and the District of Columbia
Across a region of multiple state
Across a single state
Portion of a state
Several cities
Single city
Geographic Documentation: If necessary, add documentation to support the location(s) described in the Geographic Use of Funds section above.
[Question about an educational program the foundation offers and can provide to participants of the nonprofit’s programs]
Would your organization be interested in having [Our Foundation’s] employee volunteers help deliver [Name of this Foundation Program] to your staff and/or the individuals and families you serve?
*Additional Volunteer Needs: Does your organization need volunteers?
*Personal Success Stories: Do you have a current client or recent program graduate (within last 12 months) willing to talk with us about their personal experience with your organization and how the programs and services received from your organization have personally impacted them for the better? Yes/No
Please summarize their story here, including client background, demonstrated need, and role of your organization/program in eventual success. Also, please share with us who at your organization we can reach out to in order to arrange the interview and/or potential client approval to share their story more broadly tied to this grant? (2000 character max)
*Would your organization be willing to promote this grant via any type of communications including social media? Yes/No
Section 6: Anticipated Grant Impact
[Our Foundation] strives to reflect the full diversity of the communities we serve. We support nonprofit organizations that are welcoming and inclusive. Towards that end, collecting data is an important first step to inclusion. The information you provide in this section should pertain to your specific grant proposal. If you are requesting general operating support, this information should pertain to your overall organization.
*Age Group(s) Served: Please indicate the percentage of each age group served by this specific program or your organization (if applying for general operating support). NOTE: The total percentage must equal 100%.
% 0-5
% 6-11
% 12-15
% 16-24
% 25-49
% 50-64
% 65+
% Not Tracked
*Gender(s) Served(?): Please indicate the percentage of each gender served by this specific program or your organization (if applying for general operating support). NOTE: The total percentage must equal 100%.
% Female
% Male
% Non-Binary/Gender Fluid/Gender Queer
% Not Tracked by Organization
*Ethnicity Served: Please indicate the percentage of each ethnic group served by this specific program or your organization (if applying for general operating support). NOTE: The total percentage must equal 100%.
% Asian
% Black
% Hispanic/Latino
% Native American Indian, Indigenous peoples, or Alaska Native
% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (NHOPI)
% White
% Multiracial (Individuals that identify as two or more races)
% Not Tracked
Please feel free to provide any additional info you want us to know about who you serve (4000 character maximum)
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve active military and their families, veterans and/or retired military personnel? Yes/No
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or gender fluid individuals (LGBTQ+)? Yes/No
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve persons with visible or non-visible disabilities? Yes/No
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve persons impacted by the criminal justice system? This category includes returning citizens and system impacted individuals, individuals on parole and probation. Yes/No
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve court involved individuals? This category includes foster youth and other individuals still under the direct supervision and guardianship of the court outside of the criminal justice system. Yes/No
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve victims and survivors of domestic violence? Yes/No
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve victims and survivors of human trafficking? Yes/No
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve refugees or individuals and families seeking asylum or resettlement? Yes/No
*Will the majority (51% and above) of this grant primarily serve immigrant individuals and families seeking citizenship? Yes/No
*Focus of Grant Proposal: Please select the Primary Focus of this grant proposal. NOTE: This category should reflect the specific focus of this grant proposal, NOT what type of organization you are. [Drop down menu of Foundation’s funding priorities]
Number of individuals served by this grant. Please provide the anticipated number of individuals associated with this grant proposal:
# trained, upskilled and/or reskilled for jobs.
# placed in internships or apprenticeships.
# placed/hired in jobs
# retained in a job for over one year after the completion of the program
Are there Mentoring or Coaching opportunities associated with this grant proposal? No/Yes
Is your organization connecting students to community colleges, technical or vocational schools, or four-year institutions? No/Yes
Is the opportunity funded by this grant proposal focused on green job training or placement? No/Yes
*Does your organization provide multiple wrap and support services? Examples can include workforce development, financial education, public benefits application assistance, mental health and other wellness programs.
*Does your organization operate a social enterprise?
*While we understand that your organization's impact may align with more than one of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, please select the primary goal supported by this specific grant proposal. If the primary purpose of the specific grant request does not align with one of the stated goals, please select ‘none of the above’. Access more information on the UN sustainable goals here. [Drop down list of the UN Sustainability Development Goals]
*Evaluating and Measuring Impact: Please describe how your organization tracks success based on the metrics you measure. (2000 character max)
Section 7: Economic Demographic Information
To ensure the effectiveness of our grant making, we are interested in knowing the impact of this grant on your clients and the economic profile of those you serve. Please provide information that is specific to clients that will be served by this request.
*Low- to Moderate-Income: Will this grant proposal impact a predominantly low- to moderate-income population (at least 51% or more)? Yes/no
If yes, you are required to select the formula you use to determine income level.
Section 8: Contact Information
Populates with info from profile
[Our Foundation] uses email to communicate with [Our Foundation] applicants throughout the year regarding grant opportunities as well as grant status. Please ensure that the information provided here reflects the most current Executive Director, GrantSeeker, and Primary Contact in your organization. Please delete those that are no longer with your organization or are not primary contacts. Additionally, take a moment to verify with your email service provider that addresses are not included in your unsolicited bulk email filtering software.
Contact Salutation
*First Name
*Last Name
*Telephone (include extension)
*E-mail Address
*Job Title
*Contact Type
Select that which best describes this contact's affiliation to the organization and/or this request for funding. [Drop down menu of titles/roles]
Section 9: Grant Agreement
GRANT AGREEMENT: Now that you have completed your application, certain terms and conditions will apply to any grant that is finally approved. By accepting these terms and conditions, you confirm certain information about your organization and you confirm your acceptance of requirements regarding payment of any donation. This process provides us with critical assurances before we can review your grant and does not evidence approval of your grant application or indicate or constitute an approval of your grant application or create any promise, guarantee, or agreement by or on behalf of Our Foundation (the "Foundation") to approve your grant application or to provide any donation to your organization. Your acceptance of these terms and conditions creates a legally binding agreement (the "Agreement") that your organization will adhere to these terms.
U.S. TAX STATUS: Your organization represents, covenants and warrants that it has received its Section 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS"), and is treated by the IRS as an organization that is not a private foundation as described in Sections 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") and that there is no issue presently pending before any office of the IRS that could result in any proposed changes to your tax-exempt status. Should your organization’s status as a 501(c)(3) be revoked or modified during the term of any grant, your organization shall notify the Foundation promptly and return any unspent grant funds to the Foundation as of the date of such change.
USE OF FUNDS: The grants, and income earned thereon, may be expended only for charitable, religious, scientific, literary or educational purposes. If a grant is made to your organization pursuant to this grant application, the donation is made only for the purpose(s) included in your application, and it is understood that these grant funds will be used only for such purpose(s), substantially in accordance with the application submitted by your organization and that your organization maintains authority over the use of the grant.
Your organization hereby agrees, represents and warrants that grant funds will not be used for any political campaign or to influence the outcome of any election, to carry on propaganda, to lobby or otherwise attempt to influence legislation or to conduct any activities described in Sections 4945(d) and (e) of the United States Internal Revenue Code and the Treasury Regulations thereunder. Information regarding the types of activities prohibited under Section 4945 of the United State Internal Revenue Code and other impermissible activities should be directed to your organization's tax or legal advisor.
No portion of any grant funds shall be applied to satisfy any person's obligation to contribute to your organization.
No portion of the grant funds may be applied to satisfy any payments for [services from Our Foundation] or any subsidiary or affiliate thereof.
RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE FUNDING: The Foundation reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to discontinue funding and to demand the return of the grant amount, or any portion thereof, and any income earned thereon, if the funds are not used in accordance with the Use of Funds section above. Additional installments of a multi-year grant will be paid only after the reporting requirements and all other grant terms are met.
NO TANGIBLE BENEFIT TO THE FOUNDATION: Your organization will not provide items of tangible value to the Foundation in return for any donation to your organization.
EVALUATING OPERATIONS: The Foundation may monitor and conduct an evaluation of operations under any grant, which may include a visit from Foundation personnel to observe and evaluate your operations and review financial and other records and materials connected with your organization. The Foundation may propose a written report on the outcome of any grant to your organization which you agree that your organization will complete in the format proposed by the Foundation.
FOUNDATION PUBLICATIONS: By submitting your request for a grant, you agree that the Foundation and its affiliates will have the right to include information about your organization, any grant made to your organization, and any other related information provided by your organization, in its and their advertising and marketing materials, public reports, and press announcements and releases in all forms of media throughout the world without compensation or consent.
RECOGNITION: For grants where there is the possibility of recognition opportunities, your organization will work with a representative of the Foundation regarding the parameters of any recognition. Your organization shall obtain the prior written approval of the Foundation prior to any use of Our Foundation name or trademarks and such approvals do not give your organization any right, title or interest in Our Foundation name or trademarks.
INDEMNITY: Your organization agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Our Company, Foundation, and its and their subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, permitted assigns, officers, directors, agents, and employees from and against any and all third party claims, demands, actions or causes of action, liabilities, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees) and costs arising from the defense thereof (“Claims”) arising out of or in any way connected with:
Your organization’s breach of this Agreement, or any covenants, representations, warranties herein.The acts or omissions of your organization and its employees and contractors in connection with this Agreement, and any events, programs or activities conducted in connection with this Agreement. Any infringement of the intellectual property rights of a third party by your organization Your organization's failure to provide complete and accurate information when applying for a grant.
ANTI-TERRORIST COMPLIANCE: Your organization represents, covenant and warrants that it is in compliance with all statutes, executive orders, and regulations restricting or prohibiting U.S. persons from engaging in transactions and dealings with countries, entities, or individuals subject to economic sanctions administered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control. Your organization is aware that a list of countries subject to such sanctions, a list of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons subject to such sanctions, and overviews and guidelines for each such sanction program can be found at: If your organization becomes noncompliant at any time subsequent to completing this certification, it will notify Our Foundation immediately.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: Your organization represents, covenants and warrants that it does not and will not discriminate against any individual or entity on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, veteran, disability status, or espouse hate.
DUE AUTHORITY: The person completing these sections affirms that they are representing the applicant organization and that such person has the authority to accept these conditions on behalf of the organization and bind it to these obligations and statements.
*PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME (Not the name of the organization)
Please provide the contact information of an officer of the organization familiar with this application.
If you are unwilling to agree to the terms outlined above, [Our Foundation] will not be able to fund your request.
Review application
Submit request
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