The Follies poke a little fun at well-intentioned, but not-great-in-practice ways to give money through philanthropy. Requiring absurdly long and convoluted grant proposals (like the 92-question application shared in Folly #13) or funders’ unwillingness to provide feedback when they easily can (Folly #23) merit a little push back.
We also love to share really great examples of funders committed to accountable and accessible philanthropy – like the Haas Fund, and the Akonadi, Weingart and Silicon Valley Community foundations (Folly #22 ).
Today we honor another funder who abides by Principle 5 of Community Centric Fundraising: Time is valued equally as money.
On a score of 10, I give the Moody Foundation an 11. It’s a perfectly simple application that gets bonus points for letting you submit multiple projects for their consideration using the same form!
The hardest part of the form may be the CAPTCHA. I can never get those darned pictures right! lol.
Another short, online application that I love is the Akonadi Foundation’s 4-question form. I include it in my Map to Successful Grantwriting class (slides here for free or sign up for the next small learning cohort) to show how some funders make grants easy and accessible. Think I’ll have to add Moody’s as a perfect example of a grant application. Know other great grant forms? Please share below!
And if you’d like to use our free research on the Moody Foundation before you apply for a grant, it’s online here.
So, like the Moody Foundation proposal form, today’s Folly is short. Enjoy the long weekend.