In the literal and metaphysical sense, this week we are one.
Twelve months ago, I challenged myself to write. Every week. Could I do it? Would I have anything worth sharing?
Well, only you can be the judge of that.
Funder Follies sprung from a desire to give better. To find community in our shared fundraising experiences. And, with very few exceptions, I’ve been here every week. The good, the bad and the ugly – it’s all better with a friend.
So thank you, Friend, for being here with me.
My birthday wish is for more people to subscribe. (I’m grateful, but don’t expect you to pay: Substack sends those annoying emails.) So please share, comment, add a story of your own, or suggest a topic for the year ahead.
Speaking of sharing, we’re one in that way too: in a shared humanity with wonderful and curious differences.
The Follies is honored to share this birthday week with my friend, Kevin, whose unwavering support has kept me writing. I’m glad for the day he was born.
Happy Anniversary!