Recently our team was talking about themes for social media outreach. May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and we’ve been considering posts to honor AAPI culture. I’m not Asian or Pacific Islander. It can feel hard to know what individuals want or need related to representation and inclusion.
I’m white. A middle class, middle aged white woman with a passion for helping small social justice nonprofits build revenue. I’m interested in others’ cultures and hearing about paths different than my own. I’m also cautious. Is it my place to speak about a culture or heritage that is not my culture and heritage?
I think this comes up a lot in fundraising. Donors, staff and clients may represent very different cultures, communities, and levels of education or wealth.
I have the incredible good fortune of working with the American Mexican Association. This dynamic, completely volunteer-led organization connects communities of Mexican origin in the United States under one unified, collaborative network that promotes their valuable contributions to the country. We have such respect for AMA’s leadership – I really wanted to share their work with you. But then I wondered. Is that my place? Should our AMA friends read it first? By writing about them, am I appropriating their culture in some way? I feel a bit silly not knowing the answers.
On Cinco de Mayo, I find myself reflecting on this. If you are too, please…
So I’m putting in a shameless plug for AMA and hope you’ll share and support their work on this Cinco de Mayo. And while you’re at it, check out the NPR podcast by Throughline on the meaning of this “holiday,” the charismatic leader-turned-dictator, and the 10-year civil war when so many Mexican families left everything behind to bring their culture and talents to the United States. I am grateful.
As a straight white man I can only say what I find precious and valuable in Mexican culture. When I speak I’m sure what I say will reveal my ignorance and even misunderstandings but if you point these out I will have an opportunity to learn.